Is anyone having livewire 3.5.13 issues? Black splash screen.
Suddenly, I'm getting black screens on ALL filament "ajax" interaction. Opening a modal, clicking a table sort, etc.
I've tied it back to Livewire 3.5.13. Rolling to 3.5.12 works fine.
I've reduced my plug-ins and nothing is working, other than rolling back Livewire.
There are no console errors, no network errors. The pages continue to work. For instance, if a table "polls" I get the black overlay, then, it polls again and I get a second one.
This is strange and not sure where to start. I'll keep digging.
21 replies
How to set (this) value for an action? What about form builder field?
My issue is this. I want an action that works on "this" field. I don't want to explicitly define the title in the $set method, because A). There will be multiple fields of this kind and B). I'd rather do $set('this', $value) without explicitly specifying the title. How do you solve this?
In the above example, my custom class just encapsulates the details of this function. I add it to a form component, and pass in the name. But, if I have multiple actions attached to multiple components in a Form Builder, the names will repeat. Does this action then change them ALL?
I don't know how to do something like $set(this, 'Hello World') instead of explicitly defining the name.
4 replies