Help understanding the `solid` export condition, and how SolidStart uses it
basically the
condition is reserved for Solid bundlers (e.g. vite-plugin-solid), the purpose is to defer the JSX compilation to the end consumer instead of compiling it on your own (so that you don't have to worry about whether to ship server/client bundles)
The benefit of doing is not only just about the server/client worries, but also to keep up to date with the compiler changes (a common occurence)2 replies
Context lost on HMR
so that createContext doesn't have to re-run on a TSX file, which causes different calls.
TBF HMR for createContext is supported (useContext actually looks up by context ID so the HMR just carries over the already created one) but I guess the file extension is limited.
27 replies
Sevoral Error while using AbortController
is a server function, AbortSignal
isn't a serializable value. See https://github.com/lxsmnsyc/seroval/blob/main/docs/compatibility.md#supported-types9 replies