Created by Ollie on 8/8/2024 in #questions
Any tips on finding a memory leak?
We run Minecraft inside a tmux session using a bash script to start it. tmux new-session -s server /home/mcserver/serverfiles/start.sh Link to the bash file: https://pastebin.com/raw/GbBd7sct The server has 8GB ram. Slowly overtime it uses more and more RAM until it consumes all of it and causes an OOM. It consumes more than is allocated to it. We tested this by allocating 4GB and it used up to 7GB. We have a lot of mods so I'm assuming one of them is causing a memory leak somehow? Is there any way or any tools that would help us find the culprit? Link to the mod list: https://pastebin.com/raw/4GCEbWV1 Server Info: OS: Linux VPS Distro: Debian 12 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X - 2vCPU @ 3.8 GHz RAM: DDR4 8GB Ram Storage: 120 GB NVME Thanks in advance!
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