Dropdown with more than 50 records
Thank you so much for your help Julien, I really appreciate it. I had tried that (among many other things) after the 'preloadRecordSelect()' but it didn't recognize it and caused an error.
Based on your tip, I tried it after the '$action->getRecordSelect()' and it worked. Have a great day!
5 replies
Select is not working for a BelongsToMany relationship in RelationManager
I had a similar problem that was just solved (in my case I couldn't edit the item without getting that error). It was fixed by removing the "select" statement in the RelationManager.
7 replies
Editing a many-to-many attachment with pivot attributes.
The closest I've got is adding
That allows me to open the edit form, but does not pre-populate the shield description. When I click on that field it brings up the search (no dropdown) and then errors when I type anything. The other fields seem to edit fine.
6 replies