Action to redirect from one panel to another
So many hours.... hahahaha
I really appreciate your help. I've done business coaching and consulting for 40 years so if you need any business help I'm at your service! (this applies to you as well @toeknee )
33 replies
Action to redirect from one panel to another
This error (which I've gotten frequently during this process):
foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given
GET localhost
PHP 8.3.9 — Laravel 11.16.0
vendor frames
24 vendor frames collapsed
62 vendor frames collapsed
1 vendor frame collapsed
storage/framework/views/4943bc92ebba41e8b0e508149542e0ad.blade.php :16
$env->slot($name, attributes: $slot->attributes->getAttributes());
echo $slot->toHtml();
33 replies
Action to redirect from one panel to another
Just set public, here is the link:
33 replies
Action to redirect from one panel to another
I'm not sure what that means. I do have the discoverPages and Resources set up.
The target is a new page (a new dashboard I believe, even though I'm using the default dashboard). Basically I envision it as a new "admin" panel. The general one for the user. Then another panel with all the information for a specific instance for the game.
Sorry if my knowledge level makes this more difficult--Filament is wonderful but I'm still learning to code and use it.
33 replies
Action to redirect from one panel to another
The User is on their /admin page, which shows the NebulaInstances they are involved in. When they click on a NebulaInstance (action button), it should take them to a new panel (in this context the Game panel). The Game panel will have all the resources for that specific game/instance (key people, ships, etc.). That is why I need to bring over the NebulaInstance reference as well, so they only see the relevant records for that Instance.
33 replies
Action to redirect from one panel to another
Still not working (including variations). I'm more suspicious that I've broken something somewhere or have a fundamental logic and or understanding flaw. I'd be open to a recommendation for reasonably priced paid help.
33 replies
Action to redirect from one panel to another
I tried to chain it in the action but it didn't work.
It gives this error: Property 'NebulaInstanceResource' not found in \Filament\Tables\Actions\Action
I've tried it a few other ways and places, but same issue. I'm wondering if I broke something fundamental somewhere else.
33 replies
Dropdown with more than 50 records
Thank you so much for your help Julien, I really appreciate it. I had tried that (among many other things) after the 'preloadRecordSelect()' but it didn't recognize it and caused an error.
Based on your tip, I tried it after the '$action->getRecordSelect()' and it worked. Have a great day!
5 replies