DTDrizzle Team
Created by tincho on 4/13/2024 in #help
Group related items in relation query
Hey ! Im having a bit of trouble trying to query with a many-to-many relation const proffesionals = await db .select() .from(proffesionalTable) .where(eq(proffesionalTable.userId, userId)) .leftJoin( proffesionalServiceTable, eq(proffesionalServiceTable.proffesionalId, proffesionalTable.id) ) .all(); my output: [ { Proffesional: { id: 1, userId: '17g2t59h', firstName: 'martin', lastName: 'Diaz', availability: [Object] }, ProffesionalService: null }, { Proffesional: { id: 2, userId: '17g2t59h', firstName: 'asd', lastName: 'asd', availability: [Object] }, ProffesionalService: null }, { Proffesional: { id: 3, userId: '17g2t59h', firstName: 'testestes', lastName: 'test', availability: [Object] }, ProffesionalService: { proffesionalId: 3, serviceId: 4 } }, { Proffesional: { id: 3, userId: '17g2t59h', firstName: 'testestes', lastName: 'test', availability: [Object] }, ProffesionalService: { proffesionalId: 3, serviceId: 5 } } ] What im trying to achieve: [ { Proffesional: { id: 1, userId: '17g2t59h', firstName: 'martin', lastName: 'Diaz', availability: [Object] }, ProffesionalService: [] }, { Proffesional: { id: 2, userId: '17g2t59h', firstName: 'asd', lastName: 'asd', availability: [Object] }, ProffesionalService: [] }, { Proffesional: { id: 3, userId: '17g2t59h', firstName: 'testestes', lastName: 'test', availability: [Object] }, ProffesionalService: [4,5] } ]
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