Created by juanocanamoral on 7/17/2023 in #questions
Help with the optimization
Hi everyone, i'm doing a server for my friends with 8 gb (we're like 10 ) and 30 mods,i'm precharging the map and i have changed some server properties bukkitt.yml and that things, but the precharge with chunky is so slow at 7-10 cps which i don't know if it normal or not. So i need you to pls give me advices of how to optimizate the server for don't have lag. Sorry but i'm new in that and thanks for all.
63 replies
Created by juanocanamoral on 6/20/2023 in #questions
help with chunky
Hi, chunky is working at 20-30 cps but is not using lot of percentage of cpu, can someone help me to improve the cps?
11 replies