Reorderable is very slow (10+sec). How to speed it up?
Yeah. The problem is common. But, people don't talk about sorting. Is it hard to add the option ->updateOnlyAfterSave() instead of every time you drag a row. That would solve the problem for me. (((
18 replies
Reorderable is very slow (10+sec). How to speed it up?
I don't understand this. I use FIlament and its standard components. Why should I worry about performance if FIlament didn't think about it initially. It's trivial to not update the table every time I drag a row, but to update it only when I click the Save button to exit the sorting mode. I don't understand why there is no such option. This is very strange. I want to set the positions first and only then save them. Why save them and update them after each dragging of the position.
18 replies
Reorderable is very slow (10+sec). How to speed it up?
When I enable reorderable to sort in the desired order, all 2000 records are displayed on the page. Each time I drag and drop, the render code is sent to the server and the same full render code with 2000 HTML table rows is returned. This HTML code weighs 20 MB. I don't understand why I don't just get the list of positions and send new positions. Why get the entire HTML code of the page again when I drag 1 element. Is it possible to make the sorting apply when I click the "Save" button and not every time I drag and drop an element?
18 replies
How to make my custom Prebuilt Actions?
How to make a universal Action? So that it is suitable for both tables and pages. If I use Action from tables in pages, then there will be an error "Header actions must be an instance of Filament\Actions\Action, or Filament\Actions\ActionGroup". Is it possible to make a universal one?
11 replies
How to make optional not only a parameter but also a separator in Route::get()?
The solution to split one route into different routes works. This is what I did in my project. But I want to combine them into one route. I've read a lot of documentation and it doesn't seem possible to do this. This was possible to do in Lumen, because it used a different engine for processing routes.
5 replies
How to manage only your records (user_id)?
I decided to use global scopes because it would make the selection easier for those who don't need to see all the records. For example, if I display posts in Select, etc. If you do not use global scopes, then you will have to make a condition and a selection in each place where user_id=... (resources, fields and etc)
30 replies