Created by Wojtek-R on 4/11/2024 in #❓┊help
Pass data to widget from custom page
Hi, I'm trying to pass custom variable to widget component like below, but keep getting this error
<x-filament-panels::page :widget-data="['shift' => $shift]">
<x-filament-panels::page :widget-data="['shift' => $shift]">
"trim(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, array given" any help guys?
7 replies
Created by Wojtek-R on 11/28/2023 in #❓┊help
@livwewireScripts triggers indefinite search bar animation
Hi, I am trying to use livewire-sortablejs package in filament. I have included the package in AppServiceProvider using FilamentAsset. Package only works when I also include @livewireScripts in blade file but then it triggers indefinite search bar animation that exist on same custom page. For now I have targeted svg by class name and hidden it, is there a better solution to make both work normally? Just to give it a bit more clarity "search bar" is the default filament one that comes with the table.
2 replies
Created by Wojtek-R on 11/21/2023 in #❓┊help
SelectColumn::afterStateUpdated does not exist.
No description
2 replies
Created by Wojtek-R on 10/9/2023 in #❓┊help
Primary color set as an array not working.
Hello! I have tried to use custom color pallet as described in the docs https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/themes#changing-the-colors I have added it to the $panel like so:
'primary' => [
50 => '253, 238, 229',
100 => '246, 176, 111',
200 => '234, 150, 63',
300 => '240, 124, 15',
400 => '213, 111, 14',
500 => '192, 73, 32',
600 => '166, 59, 30',
700 => '140, 45, 28',
800 => '115, 32, 26',
900 => '89, 18, 23',
950 => '77, 12, 20',
'primary' => [
50 => '253, 238, 229',
100 => '246, 176, 111',
200 => '234, 150, 63',
300 => '240, 124, 15',
400 => '213, 111, 14',
500 => '192, 73, 32',
600 => '166, 59, 30',
700 => '140, 45, 28',
800 => '115, 32, 26',
900 => '89, 18, 23',
950 => '77, 12, 20',
using class on an element like bg-primary-500 works, but shades are not applying. I ran npm run build command.
1 replies
Created by Wojtek-R on 10/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Unable to find component: [app.filament.widgets.orders-to-schedule]
Livewire \ Exceptions \ ComponentNotFoundException Hi, I have created a new page component and table widget component which renders on that page just fine, but whenever I try to interact wiht table (e. g. click on column sort) I keep getting this exeption. my table widget component is located in "app/Filament/Widgets/OrdersToSchedule directory". I am including this component with @livewire(\App\Filament\Widgets\OrdersToSchedule::class)"any idea why this is happening guys?
2 replies