@livwewireScripts triggers indefinite search bar animation
I am trying to use livewire-sortablejs package in filament. I have included the package in
using FilamentAsset
. Package only works when I also include @livewireScripts in blade file but then it triggers indefinite search bar animation that exist on same custom page. For now I have targeted svg by class name and hidden it, is there a better solution to make both work normally?
Just to give it a bit more clarity "search bar" is the default filament one that comes with the table.2 replies
Primary color set as an array not working.
Hello! I have tried to use custom color pallet as described in the docs https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/themes#changing-the-colors
I have added it to the
like so:
using class on an element like bg-primary-500
works, but shades are not applying.
I ran npm run build
command.1 replies
Unable to find component: [app.filament.widgets.orders-to-schedule]
Livewire \ Exceptions \ ComponentNotFoundException
I have created a new page component and table widget component which renders on that page just fine, but whenever I try to interact wiht table (e. g. click on column sort) I keep getting this exeption.
my table widget component is located in "app/Filament/Widgets/OrdersToSchedule directory". I am including this component with
any idea why this is happening guys?2 replies