Created by hcker2000 on 12/6/2024 in #support
Error when trying to use provider method
I have the following method setup in my /src/quickPlay/provider.tsx file:
const stopAllSounds = () => {
store.sounds.forEach((sound, index) => {
setStore("sounds", index, "status", "stopped")
const stopAllSounds = () => {
store.sounds.forEach((sound, index) => {
setStore("sounds", index, "status", "stopped")
The providers export looks like this:
export const [QuickSoundProvider, useStore] = createContextProvider(() => {
return {
store: store,
setStore: setStore,
addSound: () => addSound(),
removeSound: (soundId) => removeSound(soundId),
playSound: (soundId) => playSound(soundId),
stopAllSounds: () => stopAllSounds(),
setSoundVolume: (soundId, event) => setSoundVolume(soundId, event),
setSearch: (value) => setSearch(value),
getSounds: () => getSounds()
export const [QuickSoundProvider, useStore] = createContextProvider(() => {
return {
store: store,
setStore: setStore,
addSound: () => addSound(),
removeSound: (soundId) => removeSound(soundId),
playSound: (soundId) => playSound(soundId),
stopAllSounds: () => stopAllSounds(),
setSoundVolume: (soundId, event) => setSoundVolume(soundId, event),
setSearch: (value) => setSearch(value),
getSounds: () => getSounds()
71 replies
Created by hcker2000 on 10/11/2024 in #support
Importing bootstraps JS
I have installed bootstrap from npm and imported it in my sass and that all works fine. I tried to import it in my index.tsx but none of the functions seem to be available when trying to use them. Am I doing something wrong?
8 replies
Created by hcker2000 on 10/9/2024 in #support
Any way to pass the value of an event to say an onChange handler?
I am guessing I would need to do something like:
onChange={(event) => {customHandler(event.target.value)}}
onChange={(event) => {customHandler(event.target.value)}}
Is there a better way to do this?
33 replies
Created by hcker2000 on 10/4/2024 in #support
Delete items from store array issue
I am attempting to remove an array element by one of its objects id properties. this is my method
const removeSound = async (soundId) => {
const audioPlayer = getAudioPlayer(soundId)
const status = getSelectedScene().sounds.find((sound) => sound.id === soundId).status;

// Stop any audio players that are playing for this sound and remove them
if (status == 'playing') {
//!= how? delete audioPlayer

// Remove the sound from the scene
setSelectedScene('sounds', (sound) => sound.id !== soundId)
const removeSound = async (soundId) => {
const audioPlayer = getAudioPlayer(soundId)
const status = getSelectedScene().sounds.find((sound) => sound.id === soundId).status;

// Stop any audio players that are playing for this sound and remove them
if (status == 'playing') {
//!= how? delete audioPlayer

// Remove the sound from the scene
setSelectedScene('sounds', (sound) => sound.id !== soundId)
right now all im getting when running this is:
RangeError: Invalid array length
RangeError: Invalid array length
6 replies
Created by hcker2000 on 10/3/2024 in #support
Saving data to a store that has a getter?
No description
281 replies