Created by Kari-pekka on 11/7/2023 in #questions-and-advice
looking for recommendations - men's winter jackets
I got these myself. Most of the time you will have extra sweaty feet. Also they don't make my size so i have to wear thick socks (mine just had white fur and red shoe laces) https://www.boozt.com/fi/fi/timberland/6-in-premium-fur-warm-lined-boot_27653852/212665440?localLanguage=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA3aeqBhBzEiwAxFiOBvSpd0jlrlfal3T17CWkQ18yV3diFCWvnjAWRgANsGVaocCSBOeN7BoCcVkQAvD_BwE
22 replies
Created by Kari-pekka on 11/7/2023 in #questions-and-advice
looking for recommendations - men's winter jackets
Does anyone happen to have the eu slim version? N3B VF 59, it is a little different but i am worried about the hood. That fur hood looks hella massive on this version
22 replies
Created by Kari-pekka on 11/7/2023 in #questions-and-advice
looking for recommendations - men's winter jackets
Hmm i think i am going to give N-3b slim a shot. Khaki or black?
22 replies
Created by Kari-pekka on 11/7/2023 in #questions-and-advice
looking for recommendations - men's winter jackets
Btw if you have issues with cold foot. Try woolsocks it will work like magic. Or get timberlands with fur inside
22 replies
Created by Kari-pekka on 11/7/2023 in #questions-and-advice
looking for recommendations - men's winter jackets
Yea i am from finland. People usually take -20 to 30c too seriously. But if it's windy you are fucked eitherway
22 replies
Created by Kari-pekka on 11/7/2023 in #questions-and-advice
looking for recommendations - men's winter jackets
Like 400 max. I do't like the desing tested it before and send it back, the fur is massive in person, when you zipper that jacket fully you will need a giraffe neck to see anything
22 replies