Created by Mobs on 6/27/2024 in #support
Running into ambiguous error
When i change loadLabels back to the old implementation the error is not thrown and things go back to normal
5 replies
Created by Mobs on 6/27/2024 in #support
Running into ambiguous error
No description
5 replies
Created by Mobs on 2/8/2024 in #support
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
In my case there are a variable number of inputs so keeping track of so many refs seems like a nightmare.
23 replies
Created by Mobs on 2/8/2024 in #support
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
function Counter() {
const [text, setText] = createSignal(".meas analysis_type Delay_fall");

const protectedTextRegex = new RegExp("^\.meas (?:[A-Za-z]+) Delay_fall");
const mask = createInputMask((value, selection) => {
return !protectedTextRegex.test(value)
? [text() + value.slice(text().length), [text().length, text().length]]
: maskArrayToFn([value])(value, selection)

return (<div>
<input value={text()} oninput={(e) => setText(mask(e))} />
<button onclick={() => console.log(text())}>print text to console</button>
function Counter() {
const [text, setText] = createSignal(".meas analysis_type Delay_fall");

const protectedTextRegex = new RegExp("^\.meas (?:[A-Za-z]+) Delay_fall");
const mask = createInputMask((value, selection) => {
return !protectedTextRegex.test(value)
? [text() + value.slice(text().length), [text().length, text().length]]
: maskArrayToFn([value])(value, selection)

return (<div>
<input value={text()} oninput={(e) => setText(mask(e))} />
<button onclick={() => console.log(text())}>print text to console</button>
This is pretty cool.
23 replies
Created by Mobs on 2/8/2024 in #support
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
Nevermind I played around with it I understand whats going on here.
23 replies
Created by Mobs on 2/8/2024 in #support
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
Also how is setRef being called here?
<textarea ref={setRef} oninput={mask}>{protectedText}</textarea>
<textarea ref={setRef} oninput={mask}>{protectedText}</textarea>
23 replies
Created by Mobs on 2/8/2024 in #support
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
But can you explain how this is working here?
const mask = createInputMask((value, selection) => value.length < len
? [protectedText, [len, len]] // little confused here
: maskArrayToFn([protectedText, /.*/])(value, selection) // here too
const mask = createInputMask((value, selection) => value.length < len
? [protectedText, [len, len]] // little confused here
: maskArrayToFn([protectedText, /.*/])(value, selection) // here too
23 replies
Created by Mobs on 2/8/2024 in #support
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
This is great. Thank you
23 replies
Created by Mobs on 2/8/2024 in #support
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
So I am trying to make a generic platform different electrical/electronic circuit sims and long story short they use these instructions which look like this more or less depending on the simulator.
.meas tran Delay_fall trig v(Vinp) val =0 td =1n fall =3 targ v(Vout) val =0 fall=3
.meas tran Delay_fall trig v(Vinp) val =0 td =1n fall =3 targ v(Vout) val =0 fall=3
And I need to keep track of the name in this case it is 'Delay_fall' for the above instruction. So in this case I can't let the user change the .meas tran Delay_fall (this is for one case and one kind of syntax) So I really don't know what kind of other cases I will run into in the future so I would like to have a flexible system.
23 replies
Created by Mobs on 2/8/2024 in #support
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
I actually have to go sleep in a bit I'll try to explain the use case more
23 replies
Created by Mobs on 2/8/2024 in #support
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
Does this work if I have a default value?
23 replies
Created by Mobs on 2/8/2024 in #support
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
So actually I want be able to edit a certain part of the text. For example
.meas tran foo abc xyz
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
no edit editable
.meas tran foo abc xyz
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
no edit editable
Only abc xyz should be editable and not the first bit. I have tried using labels for the first bit and having the editable bit in its input but this causes me to write some super messy logic and its not scalable if want to add a different pattern
23 replies
Created by Mobs on 9/15/2023 in #support
Testing state update after api call`
I downgraded from vitest@0.34.3 to vitest@0.34.2 and everything works
2 replies