only you know
only you know
Created by only you know on 7/5/2024 in #help
connecting docker container from localhost
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185 replies
Created by only you know on 6/30/2024 in #help
how to manage nested models in asp net and mongo
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30 replies
Created by only you know on 6/26/2024 in #help
problem with updating method for backend with mongo driver
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9 replies
Created by only you know on 5/27/2024 in #help
when connecting database 404 not found error
I created a db from docker and created db in mysql. After that I build a mini backend with ef core and asp net for homework but I couldn't manage to connect it. My connection string is correct
107 replies
Created by only you know on 5/14/2024 in #help
blazor form edit is not sending data to backend
@page "/register"
@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
@inject HttpClient http


<h1>Fill For Registration</h1>

<EditForm Model="@registration" OnSubmit="@Submit" FormName="RegisterForm" action="http://localhost:5234/User">
<InputText @bind-Value="@registration.Name" />
<InputText @bind-Value="@registration.Surname" />
<InputText @bind-Value="@registration.Username" />
<InputText @bind-Value="@registration.Email" />
<InputText @bind-Value="@registration.Phone" />
<InputNumber @bind-Value="@registration.Age" />
<button type="submit">Register</button>

public class UserDto
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
public decimal Age { get; set; }
private UserDto registration = new UserDto();
private async Task Submit()
var url = "http://localhost:5234/User";
await http.PostAsJsonAsync(url, registration);

@page "/register"
@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
@inject HttpClient http


<h1>Fill For Registration</h1>

<EditForm Model="@registration" OnSubmit="@Submit" FormName="RegisterForm" action="http://localhost:5234/User">
<InputText @bind-Value="@registration.Name" />
<InputText @bind-Value="@registration.Surname" />
<InputText @bind-Value="@registration.Username" />
<InputText @bind-Value="@registration.Email" />
<InputText @bind-Value="@registration.Phone" />
<InputNumber @bind-Value="@registration.Age" />
<button type="submit">Register</button>

public class UserDto
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
public decimal Age { get; set; }
private UserDto registration = new UserDto();
private async Task Submit()
var url = "http://localhost:5234/User";
await http.PostAsJsonAsync(url, registration);

here is my blazor code part. when I click register button (i added breakpoint to await method) it shows registration is null.
2 replies
Created by only you know on 4/3/2024 in #help
crud operations with blazor server
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Created by only you know on 4/2/2024 in #help
how to export datas to json file from mysql
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12 replies
Created by only you know on 3/31/2024 in #help
practicing on mutliple databases
I have a model named 'User' in PostgreSQL, an 'Item' in MongoDB, and a 'Cart' in PostgreSQL. Shouldn't the 'Cart' model be relational with Item and User, should I change the mongodb? In other words, a user has a cart, and a cart has an item.
12 replies
Created by only you know on 3/27/2024 in #help
how to move json datas to mysql
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482 replies
Created by only you know on 3/26/2024 in #help
repository returns unwanted areas
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Created by only you know on 3/20/2024 in #help
how to connect mysql to .net program as 2nd db
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161 replies
Created by only you know on 3/18/2024 in #help
system.aggregate Exception
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27 replies
Created by only you know on 3/13/2024 in #help
guid doesn't change after post
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60 replies
Created by only you know on 3/13/2024 in #help
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206 replies
Created by only you know on 3/6/2024 in #help
Building a generic repository for mongodb
hello folks I was thinking build a generic repository structure for mongodb. but someday if i want to change the db i don't want to start all over again. I hope I explained myself well.
98 replies