DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by istay on 4/9/2024 in #djs-questions
The presenceUpdate event is not triggering. The intent is passed through and its turned on in the developer dashboard
3 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by istay on 4/8/2024 in #djs-questions
Ping User
No description
5 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by istay on 3/5/2024 in #djs-questions
Code: const guild = bot.guilds.cache.get(process.env.GUILD_ID); Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cache')
22 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by istay on 8/22/2022 in #djs-questions
best way to keep a timer going even after my bot restarts
Hey there! I was wondering, how do I keep a timer on even if my bot restarts? For example I am doing an economy system and I have daily and weekly commands. I have cooldowns for those commands, but when I restart the bot, the cooldown resets and you can run weekly again. Anyone know how I can fix that? Thanks!
5 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by istay on 8/17/2022 in #djs-questions
Sticky Message
Hey there, I was wondering on how to make a sticky message system! How it works - A user sends a message in a channel and the bot will send a message that I want to be sent after a user sents something. For example: User 1: Hello! Bot: Important Sticky Message User 2: Hey! Bot: deletes last message Important Sticky Message Help would be great, thanks!
11 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by istay on 8/8/2022 in #djs-questions
Check if user a role id from array
Hey there, so what I am trying to do is have an array:
const allowed = [
const allowed = [
And I am trying to check if a user has at least one of these roles on their profile. I have if(!allowed.includes()), but I don't know where to go from there. If anyone can help, that would be great, thanks!
4 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by istay on 8/5/2022 in #djs-questions
YouTube sub count
Heyo! Does anyone know how how to make a youtube sub count voice channel? Example: like a membercount auto-updating VC, but instead of fetching members, it fetches the sub count of a specified youtube channel. If anyone can help, that would be great :) thanks!
9 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by istay on 7/14/2022 in #djs-questions
No-XP channels
i’m using discord-xp. i’m trying to set a no xp channel but when i do it, bot commands don’t work in those channels. even though i only want xp to not be gained. if anyone can help that would be great!
2 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by istay on 7/11/2022 in #djs-questions
Counting Game Question
Hey there, so I am making a counting game for my server, and everything is right. Although, I would like to add a system where one user can't keep counting. Another user has to count with them. So user 1 starts at "1", but can't say "2" or the game will end. Here is my code so far:
if( === "988686879547330580"){
if (Number(message.content) === count + 1){

if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout)

timeout = setTimeout(
() => chanel.send(++count).catch(console.error),

} else if ( !== {`${} messed up!`).catch(console.error)

count = 0

if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout)

if(count == "100"){":tada: - **Successfully reached #100!**")
if( === "988686879547330580"){
if (Number(message.content) === count + 1){

if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout)

timeout = setTimeout(
() => chanel.send(++count).catch(console.error),

} else if ( !== {`${} messed up!`).catch(console.error)

count = 0

if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout)

if(count == "100"){":tada: - **Successfully reached #100!**")
10 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by istay on 7/10/2022 in #djs-questions
Message Channel Array
How do I check if a channel id is equal to the channel ids in an array? (i want it to check for the channels listed in the array, and if it's those channels, it should return.)
3 replies