رجل الجمبري
رجل الجمبري
Created by رجل الجمبري on 5/14/2024 in #❓┊help
Repeater add new item to the top
Is it possible when adding a new repeater item to add it to the top instead of the bottom? It would be ideal if the add item button was also at the top so you don't need to scroll down then back up.
5 replies
Created by رجل الجمبري on 11/29/2023 in #❓┊help
Form Action to save record, collapse parent repeater item and open next repeater item
A user will see a bunch of collapsed repeaters. They should be able to open any repeater to add some info and click next inside the open repeater which should save the current state of the form, collapse the current repeater and open the next repeater if there is one. Is this possible using form actions? I currently have the following which saves the form inside any repeater: Repeater::make('items')->relationship()->schema([ TextInput::make('info'), Actions::make([ Action::make('save')->submit('save') ]), ])->collapsed() Could I have an action which handles the save and collapse/open of the repeaters?
3 replies
Created by رجل الجمبري on 11/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Form Action to save record, collapse parent repeater item and open next repeater item
A user will see a bunch of collapsed repeaters. They should be able to open any repeater to add some info and click next inside the open repeater which should save the current state of the form, collapse the current repeater and open the next repeater if there is one. Is this possible using form actions? I currently have the following which saves the form inside any repeater: Repeater::make('items')->relationship()->schema([ TextInput::make('info'), Actions::make([ Action::make('save')->submit('save') ]), ])->collapsed() Could I have an action which handles the save and collapse/open of the repeaters?
1 replies
Created by رجل الجمبري on 9/8/2023 in #❓┊help
Adding classes to the builder field via extraAttributes
Does this builder field support adding classes via extraAttributes? I want to give my builder blocks a background color depending on the individual blocks status field. I've tried giving the blocks a fixed background color but it doesn't seem to work. e.g. Builder\Block::make('block') ->extraAttributes(['class' => 'bg-red-500'])
2 replies
Created by رجل الجمبري on 6/27/2023 in #❓┊help
is it possible to access the live tableFilters from a widget?
e.g request()->query('tableFilters') only works on page load not when the filter options change. class OrderStats extends BaseWidget { protected static ?string $pollingInterval = null; protected $listeners = ['updateOrderStats' => '$refresh']; protected function getCards(): array { $filters = request()->query('tableFilters'); $methods = []; $orders = Order::with('OrderRows'); if(!empty($filters['paid']['isActive'])){ $orders->where('total_value', '>', 0)->where('unpaid_value', 0); } if(!empty($filters['refunded']['isActive'])){ $orders->where('refund', '>', 0); }
4 replies
Created by رجل الجمبري on 5/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Select filter - remove/disable default option
I want to display records for one option only. I default the select filter to the first option but there is an 'All' option in the select filter which would allow a user to view all records. Is there any way to remove the "All" option?
12 replies