Richard Evanson
Richard Evanson
Created by Richard Evanson on 11/15/2023 in #help
Plan/design for app game
I am making 3 system thing for school: website, database and app(game). I already have website which was main project piece set up and database is fully working with website too. Now I have to make secondary system app game. It is going to be sliding puzzle game those where image is cut into segments and you have to slide pieces back together. So before I begin that I want to have some plan or what to use and how to use it. I was thinking Window Forms with librabry or extension to cut images into segments. I want Login Window which leads to menu window with option to select different profile in new window and also window for actual game and window/pop up for results. This app shouldn't be anything crazy kinda minimal. I am looking for any suggestions or ideas
17 replies
Created by Richard Evanson on 9/7/2023 in #help
❔ Making game aplication
I have project for college where I would have application, website and database all connected into one project. I came up with idea to make a game as application, website for registering, seeing game info and scores and database to just connect all data. It has to be somewhat sizeable project because it will span trough whole term and will work for few subjects. I am just not sure on what game to pick. I think it has to be singleplayer game so maybe something like maze solving game where you solve maze with keyboard. Maybe someone has other ideas or suggestions for this?
79 replies
Created by Richard Evanson on 9/5/2023 in #help
✅ Wondering about making 3 part system
I got assigment to make sizeable project where I make 3 seperate systems: Database, website and app/mobile app. But I have hard time coming up with any interesting ideas for it. I have only came up with it being about various Guides. You make guides on app, those guides get posted on website where people would comment and rate them. I am not sure about it maybe you have other suggestions?
10 replies
Created by Richard Evanson on 5/18/2023 in #help
❔ Connecting windows forms to console app
I have game written for console app and I need to add log system where each game can be saved as a text file and later loaded so I need to use window forms to open dialogs but I am not sure how to do it. I have made another project which is WindowForms and I want to open this window and give data from some method in my console app
22 replies
Created by Richard Evanson on 5/4/2023 in #help
❔ Adding Polymorphism to a program
I have project for school and I must use Polymorphism but I have already written everything and it works and to add Polymorphism where few classes use 1 base class would require to change a lot. What if I use 1 new "base" class which would get inhereted by my already made class and I would add Polymorphism functionality to it? Would this still count as having Polymorphism?
50 replies
Created by Richard Evanson on 5/3/2023 in #help
❔ can I make variable nullable withouse initializing it?
I have this method that connect to database and I am checking if it connected:
//Method connects to database
public MySqlConnection ConnectDatabase()
MySqlConnection? connection;
string config =
"server =;" +
"user = root;" +
"database = trivia_bot_data";
connection = new MySqlConnection(config);
catch (Exception e)
connection = null;
return connection;
//Method connects to database
public MySqlConnection ConnectDatabase()
MySqlConnection? connection;
string config =
"server =;" +
"user = root;" +
"database = trivia_bot_data";
connection = new MySqlConnection(config);
catch (Exception e)
connection = null;
return connection;
29 replies
Created by Richard Evanson on 3/23/2023 in #help
❔ List of messages after a certain message in Discord channel
I am writting a trivia type of game bot for discord and after I post a picture or a question players would type things and I need to get list of written messages so I could determine who answered correctly. Right now I have methods for showing picture or question but I dont know how to actually track written messages. I tried to get last writte message ID after showing a question or picture and then use GetMessagesAfterAsync() by giving it ID but my ID is wrong because it tracks ID of message that was written before starting the program and GetMessagesAfterAsync() return tasks and not list. Maybe someone has better for tracking messages or knows how to do this properly. I am using DSharpPlus
7 replies
Created by Richard Evanson on 3/4/2023 in #help
❔ Checking shots trajectory in a game
I am making Worms game and when worm is using ranged weapon I somehow need to check shooting trajectory, all weapons shoot straight without any bullet drop but I still need to know if path is clear. I was thinking of making a path where shot would go and then check every tile of path if it is empty but I am not sure how to do it, I have distance between 2 worms, worms locations and I counted the angle with atan2 but I dont know what to do next
36 replies
Created by Richard Evanson on 3/1/2023 in #help
❔ Making 2D map for simple worms style game
I am making basic worms game and I need map for it, I thought to just make map class with name and List<List<int>> mapMass variable but I am not sure if that will make sense. 0 would mean tile is empty and 1 that it is filled
56 replies