❔ Checking shots trajectory in a game

I am making Worms game and when worm is using ranged weapon I somehow need to check shooting trajectory, all weapons shoot straight without any bullet drop but I still need to know if path is clear. I was thinking of making a path where shot would go and then check every tile of path if it is empty but I am not sure how to do it, I have distance between 2 worms, worms locations and I counted the angle with atan2 but I dont know what to do next
14 Replies
Jack Badassson
Jack BadasssonOP2y ago
I am mostly thinking what to do with weird angles, I know what to do when angle is 0. 45, 90 and so
LPeter19972y ago
This all really depends on how your map is structured, how your entities are stored, ... In general, you'd do something called a "ray cast", which essentially check if a ray starting from some point with a certain angle will hit anything in its way A very simple way to do this, assuming you have collisions figured out is to just loop through all entities on your map and see if the ray originating from your worm collides with any of them
Jack Badassson
Jack BadasssonOP2y ago
but this ray how do I actually get it?
LPeter19972y ago
You write it. It's not a physical or visible ray, it's just what game development calls an origin point and an angle/direction 😄
Jack Badassson
Jack BadasssonOP2y ago
yes but when there is weird angle this ray would be easy to make if angle points it to one side or at 45 angle from some direction just (0,0), (1,1) ... but I am not sure what to do when angle is like 39 or some other weird number
Jack Badassson
Jack BadasssonOP2y ago
Jack Badassson
Jack BadasssonOP2y ago
X could hit the O on left but angle is probably weird even 44 could complicate stuff over distance only solution I can think of is restricting shooting angles only rotate it every 45 degrees
LPeter19972y ago
Ah like that. So you have the angle You can make a vector from that, a vector of unit length You know what that is?
Jack Badassson
Jack BadasssonOP2y ago
vector is sonynom to array right
LPeter19972y ago
No This is the mathematical vector. Angle + length
Jack Badassson
Jack BadasssonOP2y ago
I have both distance between worms and angle but not as combined unit I counted the distance for something else with Pytaghor
LPeter19972y ago
So if you have the difference of y and x coords between the 2 worms You can divide these by the distance Let's call them dx and dy Now if you start from one worm and keep adding dx and dy to that, you'll step through the terrain Eventually reaching the other worm Ofc these are floats/doubles, when checking for a tile you temporarily round these
Jack Badassson
Jack BadasssonOP2y ago
so it makes both x and y distance have same number of variables basicly yes I finally made it work
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