Middleware not working
I'm having an issue with some middlewear I'm trying to add into my system, but it looks like the middelwear is not even being used.
I created a EnsureTrialNotExpired middlewear, and inside that middlewear I've just added a DD or a log to see any output and its not showing anything.
Just navigates to the panel as intended if the middlewear wasn't there.
Company Panel
Not sure if I'm missing something here, also would this work to do a check for auth()->user().
I have also tried adding it into
But also still no luck
Any help would be great as I'm ripping my hair out 🤣
6 replies
Set Select Option After createOptionForm
Hey everyone just looking for some advice, how could I set the value of the select option to the newly created on that I have created using the createOptionForm below is my select component
Any help would be great, thank you in advance
3 replies
Refresh RelationManager on dropdown
Hi all you smart individuals,
I have a question about relationshipmanagers, I have one in my system call teams and Im wanting to filter the Relationship Manager by the organisaiton ID that is passed in, however it would be nice iff I could update the relationshipmanager when I changhe the option in my drop down
Is there anyway I can emit an event to the relationshipmanager and refresh it
I did try this
With Disptach Event and on my relationshipmanager I have this
I think I might be doing this all wrong and might need some guidance, im pretty new to all of this and just trying to go off guides and ect so far...
Thanks in advance
2 replies
Checkbox list relationship data
Hey everyone this is such a great pacakge by the way its pretty impressive, im just having a little issue with my panel if anyone can give me some help.
I created a user panel where you can create, edit and ect like the docs said.
I have now wanted to add some logic into a checkboxlist so that a user can be added to teams that belong to an organisation
Below is my code
->options(fn(Forms\Get $get): Collection => $get('organisation_id') ?
Team::whereHas('organisations', function ($subquery) use ($get) {
$subquery->where('id', $get('organisation_id'));
})->pluck('name', 'id') :
Im cursious to know if there could be a better way then doing this ?
Only because im having an issue when I view the user its not showing the teams that they are now assigned to...
If you need more details on Model Relationships and ect I can send them if needed 😄
Thanks in advance
Wazza2 replies