Tom Spander
Tom Spander
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by Tom Spander on 7/14/2023 in #djs-questions
500 on editing thread parent interaction reply
Hey there. I'm getting Internal Server Errors when attempting to edit an interaction response that is now the parent message of a thread. The edit still goes through, but the server responds with a 500 nonetheless. The issue only started happening today, so I initially thought it was a Discord-side issue, but nobody else seems to be reporting this issue. It seems that simply catching the error and ignoring it restores normal functionality, but this is obviously not ideal. Does anyone know what's going on? Here's an abridged version of what I'm doing that's causing the issue:
let parent = (await interaction.fetchReply()) as Message;
let thread = await{
name: ...,
autoArchiveDuration: options.lifetime,
startMessage: parent as Message,

await thread.join();
await thread.send({ embeds: [...] });

await interaction.editReply({
content: ...,
embeds: [
title: ...,
footer: { text: ... },
let parent = (await interaction.fetchReply()) as Message;
let thread = await{
name: ...,
autoArchiveDuration: options.lifetime,
startMessage: parent as Message,

await thread.join();
await thread.send({ embeds: [...] });

await interaction.editReply({
content: ...,
embeds: [
title: ...,
footer: { text: ... },
8 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by Tom Spander on 6/30/2022 in #djs-questions
Edit ephemeral followUp?
Hi, I know it's possible to edit ephemeral replies to command interactions, and that you can edit regular follow-ups by fetching them as a message, but is there any way to edit an ephemeral follow-up?
7 replies