Deploying inside subdirectory
Update: manage to get the js and script working using
inside .env and livewire setUpdateRoute
and setScriptRoute
The only problem left is the route, while it is accessible and works fine, anything using route()
is wrong. It points to the example.com/app instead of example.com/app4 replies
Defaultsort / column sorting
Not the issue, the default sort is correct that is ascending. Defaulting to desc is not the intended behavior. However user should be able to change how it is sorted with ->sortable(). Still pressing twice is a bad ux.
8 replies
Attach with relationship showing different search option label
I am using Relation Manager "attach" action, I've been trying to figure out how to search using it's parent attribute ('name' field).
works cause the field exist, is there a way to access it's parent attributes? If it doesn't, is there a way I can change the Select option label so the option can be identified by name instead of id or maybe even custom the search like in multi-select?
10 replies