Why does effect re-fire? How to use createStore values in effect correctly?
I'm working with a company that is going to do some pilot projects in Solid as an addition to their current React work. So thanks for the help. I'll continue with my soildJs class now. Thanks for the time.
82 replies
Why does effect re-fire? How to use createStore values in effect correctly?
ok cool, so long story short, the root object like person in this case is just kind of different that the sub peices and needs to be understood. That's why it, specifically, has a different behaviour for console.log. And if I want to print the root value of a store like the whole person, then I need to untrack that console.log during debugging?
82 replies
Why does effect re-fire? How to use createStore values in effect correctly?
so I guess the root of the question is, if I use an effect with console.log(person), that registeres the proxy object and when people change something like person.name.first, that effect with be re-fired even though person.name.first isn't referenced in the effect?
82 replies
Why does effect re-fire? How to use createStore values in effect correctly?
ok in private window in Brave with no extensions, the proxy object still appears. When I untrack the console log, the effect doesn't refire. When I use the browsers native console.log(person) the effect does refire on change of person.name.first
82 replies