•Created by Thrive on 7/10/2023 in #questions
Super new to hosting a server, having issues with tick rate.
Tick rate with all the suggestions so far is still spiking hard into average 123ms/tick. Any and all other suggestions would be appreciated!
19 replies
•Created by Thrive on 7/10/2023 in #questions
Super new to hosting a server, having issues with tick rate.
Hey @snowznz.bak since I am using forge and have a few different places I could put those flags, I put them in the unix_args.txt (not sure how familiar you are with that bit). Seems to be running fine so far, only have 1 person on the server right now though so we'll really see when more get on later. I backed everything up so if you recommend a better file for the flags I'd be happy to hear it.
Thanks again for the link!
19 replies
•Created by Thrive on 7/10/2023 in #questions
Super new to hosting a server, having issues with tick rate.
no, I am running this on my personal linux box with just forge and the mods
19 replies
•Created by Thrive on 7/10/2023 in #questions
Super new to hosting a server, having issues with tick rate.
Oh sweet. I started reading some documentation on all these flags but damn, it was going over my head real fast.
19 replies
•Created by Thrive on 7/10/2023 in #questions
Super new to hosting a server, having issues with tick rate.
Appreciate it y'all. I also did some more research into some mods and grabbed AI Improvements as well as cranking the sim dustance down. When everyone hops off for the night I think I'll also run Chunky for a large bit of the overworld map
19 replies