Created by Desu on 7/14/2023 in #questions
CoreProtect v21.3 with Mohist 1.19.2
I recently started a modded Minecraft 1.19.2 server using Forge 43.2.17 Upon getting the server updated, I wanted to put the plugins WorldEdit and CoreProtect (both for obvious reasons) but could not get either to work. World Edit I can live without, but not having the grief protection of CoreProtect is just disaster waiting to happen. While in plugin installation has caused no problems, when initializing the server, the CoreProtect plugin will not start. It won't even generate a Config file or anything else. Attempts to use CoreProtect commands results in an internal error, though does not crash the server. TL;DR does anyone know if it's possible to make a CoreProtect play nicely with a Mohist Forge server or am I S.O.L?
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