Created by Birssan on 6/6/2024 in #❓┊help
RelationManager inside modal/sliderOver
Hi there, I have been browsing the docs, the web, this discord and youtube videos and I can’t seem find what I am looking for. I have created a CollectionResource associated to my Collection model. A collection has many values (CollectionValue model). I haven’t created a CollectionValueResource as I don’t need it, I only want to be able to CRUD values from the collection itself. In order to do that I created a relation manager and it works well when I use the edit page generated for my CollectionResource, I have the edit form for the selected collection and the table with collection values appears underneath the form. But… it’s not what I want. I would like to be able to edit a collection from a slideover. In order to do that, I removed the edit page from the getPages method of my CollectionResource and added the slideover call to the EditAction. The edit form for the collection now opens in a slideover, but there is no relation manager underneath it, no table to manage collection values. I have no idea how to use the relation manager inside the slideover nor if it’s even possible… I have been able to use modalContentFooter with a Closure to get the Action, the livewire Component, the Collection record, etc. but I don’t know how to return a view that would show the relation manager for the selected collection. Thanks
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