Explore posts from serversFollowing a code-along to learn Nuxt, seem to continuously encounter issues when installing modules?
I'm following a video on using nuxt with shadcn, it's only a few months old so I imagine it should be updated, however I appear to be receiving quite a lot of "npm warn" when installing modules, and I wondered if I can continue with this, or if i I need to be doing something to amend it..
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new to Nuxt, are folders created manually after init?
I’m used to Next and Sveltekit, usually when I init a new project I start off with a pages/routes folder, src folder etc… however with nuxt I appear to start with files only, is this correct? If so, am I to create the pages and src folders and carry on as usual?
Another question is regarding state, when should I learn Pinia? (Btw is this also used in vue??) seems like it’s the go-to for working with dynamic/reactive state, so I wondered if I should just go into it straight away, or learn the basics through the official docs first and then jump into it.
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