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BABetter Auth
Created by Livog on 2/26/2025 in #help
How do I control what data goes into .session_data cookie
Hi everyone! I've been integrating Better Auth with Payload CMS and have a question about controlling the data in the .data_session cookie. I've successfully used the customSession plugin to control what user data is returned from getSession:
plugins: [
customSession(async ({ user, session }) => {
// My code to filter user fields
return {
user: fieldsToSign,
plugins: [
customSession(async ({ user, session }) => {
// My code to filter user fields
return {
user: fieldsToSign,
However, this doesn't seem to affect what gets stored in the .data_session cookie itself. I've added some extra fields to my user object that I don't want to expose if someone base64 decodes the cookie. Is there a way to control specifically what user data gets serialized into the .data_session cookie? Or is this functionality planned for a future release? Thanks in advance!
3 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Livog on 11/27/2023 in #help
unionAll gives TypeError: leftSelect.getSelectedFields is not a function
I'm trying to query 2 collections in the same query as the amount of collections might grow over time that I will check against I would want a scalable way and also use drizzles built in features, so I tryed this: Note I'm using Payload CMS, so I don't have access to the schema files directly, actually got no clue if its db.schema or db.tables I should use. Running these queries separately works great, just when I add unionAll I get:
[15:34:20] ERROR (payload): TypeError: leftSelect.getSelectedFields is not a function
at /Users/livog/Documents/Projects/Payload.CMS/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/select.ts:677:42
[15:34:20] ERROR (payload): TypeError: leftSelect.getSelectedFields is not a function
at /Users/livog/Documents/Projects/Payload.CMS/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/select.ts:677:42
const db = payload?.db
const drizzle = payload?.db?.drizzle

if (!payload || !db || !drizzle || collectionsToCheck.length === 0) return false // This will be checked server side or we don't support it without drizzle.
const rows = await unionAll(
// @ts-ignore => {
const andCondtions = [eq(db.schema[collection]['path'], path)]
if (currentCollection !== collection) {
andCondtions.push(ne(db.schema[collection]['id'], currentDocId))
return drizzle
.select({ id: db.schema[collection]['id'], path: db.schema[collection]['path'] })
// @ts-ignore // Todo: type checking
const db = payload?.db
const drizzle = payload?.db?.drizzle

if (!payload || !db || !drizzle || collectionsToCheck.length === 0) return false // This will be checked server side or we don't support it without drizzle.
const rows = await unionAll(
// @ts-ignore => {
const andCondtions = [eq(db.schema[collection]['path'], path)]
if (currentCollection !== collection) {
andCondtions.push(ne(db.schema[collection]['id'], currentDocId))
return drizzle
.select({ id: db.schema[collection]['id'], path: db.schema[collection]['path'] })
// @ts-ignore // Todo: type checking
This is the documentation that I looked at which I feel like I replicated: Any help is super appreciated!
4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Livog on 7/13/2023 in #help
Foreign Key Reference to auth Schema Not Generated in Code
I'm having an issue with my Drizzle-ORM code where the foreign key reference to the 'auth' schema is not being generated as expected. The issue lies in this block of code:
import { index, jsonb, pgSchema, pgTable, text, uniqueIndex, uuid } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'

export const USER_TABLE = 'user'

const authSchema = pgSchema('auth')
const authUser = authSchema.table('users', { id: uuid('id').primaryKey().unique().notNull() })

export const user = pgTable(
id: uuid('id')
.references(() =>,
firstName: text('firstName'),
lastName: text('lastName'),
email: text('email').unique(),
image: text('image'),
customData: jsonb('customData'),
notificationKeys: jsonb('notificationKeys')
(table) => {
return {
emailKey: uniqueIndex('user_email_key').on(,
userIdEmailIdx: index('user_id_email_idx').on(,
import { index, jsonb, pgSchema, pgTable, text, uniqueIndex, uuid } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'

export const USER_TABLE = 'user'

const authSchema = pgSchema('auth')
const authUser = authSchema.table('users', { id: uuid('id').primaryKey().unique().notNull() })

export const user = pgTable(
id: uuid('id')
.references(() =>,
firstName: text('firstName'),
lastName: text('lastName'),
email: text('email').unique(),
image: text('image'),
customData: jsonb('customData'),
notificationKeys: jsonb('notificationKeys')
(table) => {
return {
emailKey: uniqueIndex('user_email_key').on(,
userIdEmailIdx: index('user_id_email_idx').on(,
The output SQL generated is:
ALTER TABLE "user" ADD CONSTRAINT "user_id_users_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE no action ON UPDATE no action;
WHEN duplicate_object THEN null;
END $$;
ALTER TABLE "user" ADD CONSTRAINT "user_id_users_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE no action ON UPDATE no action;
WHEN duplicate_object THEN null;
END $$;
The problem is, it should reference the auth schema that has a users table, not just the users table. The 'auth' schema is not reflected in the ALTER TABLE SQL statement generated. I am unsure if this is a bug in the Drizzle-ORM package or if there is something wrong with my code. Please advise.
3 replies