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DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by Lemur2591 on 4/22/2024 in #djs-questions
creating a lobby invite system with dj
alright, then, that's okay, what would you use to create a lobby with discord.js
5 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
awesome, I think I'll be using .zip for all my packages
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
okay I have reinstalled everything to be latest, installed dotnet sdk, started the project, and installed spectre.console, no errors, I think I can finally get started
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
visual studio
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
alright, before I do that, it wants me to install more stuff, 17.4.0 of MSBuild, I guess I'll just google that real quick and get that installed too
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
yep, the "Hello, World!" as planned, I see there's project files here now, I take it these will not be targetting 0.0
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
PS C:\code> dotnet new console -n HelloWorld

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The template "Console App" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions...
Restoring C:\code\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.csproj:
Determining projects to restore...
Restored C:\code\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.csproj (in 40 ms).
Restore succeeded.

PS C:\code> cd HelloWorld
PS C:\code\HelloWorld> dotnet run
PS C:\code> dotnet new console -n HelloWorld

Welcome to .NET 7.0!
SDK Version: 7.0.401

The .NET tools collect usage data in order to help us improve your experience. It is collected by Microsoft and shared with the community. You can opt-out of telemetry by setting the DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT environment variable to '1' or 'true' using your favorite shell.

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Installed an ASP.NET Core HTTPS development certificate.
To trust the certificate run 'dotnet dev-certs https --trust' (Windows and macOS only).
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The template "Console App" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions...
Restoring C:\code\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.csproj:
Determining projects to restore...
Restored C:\code\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.csproj (in 40 ms).
Restore succeeded.

PS C:\code> cd HelloWorld
PS C:\code\HelloWorld> dotnet run
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
.NET SDKs installed: 7.0.401 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
ugggggggggh it's still targeting 0.0 and there is a trillion different buttons and google insists on showing me 20 step methods that look completely different to what I'm working with
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
aight I'll install the SDK and keep you posted, it's been years since I had to install dotnet so I completely forgot runtime and sdk were seperate
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
it's in regular
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
Host: Version: 7.0.9 Architecture: x64 Commit: 8e9a17b221 .NET SDKs installed: No SDKs were found. .NET runtimes installed: Microsoft.NETCore.App 6.0.21 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App] Microsoft.NETCore.App 7.0.7 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App] Microsoft.NETCore.App 7.0.9 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App] Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 6.0.21 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App] Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 7.0.9 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App] Other architectures found: None Environment variables: Not set global.json file: Not found Learn more: https://aka.ms/dotnet/info Download .NET: https://aka.ms/dotnet/download
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
oh just windows terminal
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
give me a few minutes, I never could find the terminal amidst all these buttons
96 replies
Created by Lemur2591 on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ Is there a way I can make a terminal downloader?
okie dokie
96 replies