Created by ks_hl on 9/3/2023 in #questions
Determining which vote site a player came from
Is there any straightforward way to track which vote sites bring in the most players? Currently I'm using a survey prompt, but this relies on players to interact with it and also be truthful. My thought process is to have multiple subdomains with different SRV records pointing to different ports, then something like Wireshark to track the amount of traffic on each port. The only problem is how do I accept traffic over multiple ports? Or is there an easier way?
9 replies
Created by ks_hl on 8/19/2023 in #questions
How much do you pay a Youtuber/Streamer to advertise?
I'm sure the answer depends greatly on the popularity of the person, but what are the going rates for this type of thing?
6 replies