QR in Form Section [CreateRecord, EditRecord]
Tell me why these properties are required, I still haven’t found where they are used, the breakpoint does not work. is there a built-in method for this? I would like to go deeper into understanding this
30 replies
QR in Form Section [CreateRecord, EditRecord]
PHP 8.2.18
Filament\Forms\ComponentContainer::Filament\Forms\Concerns{closure}(): Argument #1 ($component) must be of type Filament\Forms\Components\Component, Illuminate\Support\HtmlString given
30 replies
QR in Form Section [CreateRecord, EditRecord]
no, what data should be here?
LaraZeus\Qr\Facades\Qr::render(): Argument #1 ($data) must be of type ?string, array given, called in /home/roman/PhpstormProjects/historia-back/app/Filament/Resources/BoxResource.php on line 94
30 replies
QR in Form Section [CreateRecord, EditRecord]
their site is not working and I would like to have a reactive field with a link and download buttons png, svg
30 replies
QR in Form Section [CreateRecord, EditRecord]
Gave an answer
30 replies