Created by xtalvrge on 9/18/2024 in #questions
Server failing to restart (session.lock)
Greetings, I've managed to get the server set up and working except for the one small thing, when server tries to restart - it generates a session.lock files in all worlds and it fails to restart. I'm thinking the issue could be due to my launch scripts. This is what I'm currently running: start.sh // #!/bin/sh # Define the screen session name SESSION_NAME="mc_spigot_server" # Check if a screen session with the specified name already exists if screen -list | grep -q "$SESSION_NAME"; then echo "Killing existing screen session: $SESSION_NAME" screen -S "$SESSION_NAME" -X quit fi # Start a new screen session with the specified name echo "Starting new screen session: $SESSION_NAME" screen -d -m -S "$SESSION_NAME" ./startserver.sh startserver.sh // #!/bin/bash JAR=server.jar MAXRAM=12884M MINRAM=8192M TIME=10 while [ true ]; do java -Xmx$MAXRAM -Xms$MINRAM -jar $JAR nogui if [[ ! -d "exit_codes" ]]; then mkdir "exit_codes"; fi if [[ ! -f "exit_codes/server_exit_codes.log" ]]; then touch "exit_codes/server_exit_codes.log"; fi echo "[$(date +"%d.%m.%Y %T")] ExitCode: $?" >> exit_codes/server_exit_codes.log echo "----- Press enter to prevent the server from restarting in $TIME seconds -----"; read -t $TIME input; if [ $? == 0 ]; then break; else echo "------------------- SERVER RESTARTS -------------------"; fi done Has anybody encountered a similar issue, and if so - would you please help me out? Big thanks! 😄
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