❔ Simple blog page (Homework)
And I am done, finished up this task. I am not going for that A. Screw it, too complex xD
Thank you both for your help, it's been extremely useful and took hours extra of my already 4 days into this project.
Leaving the code public here, in case any one wants to look through it or needs it in the future.
188 replies
❔ Simple blog page (Homework)
Alright, let's see. How would I do to print out all existing blogs. Give them a number by taking 3 indexes for each as 1 then the next 3 indexes for number 2. So Create an ID for the stories?
This is to be able to remove a post by index 0 (title) text (index 1) and it's date (index 2) for each an every post. A simple remove function.
Then this will come in handy while allowing to edit that specific title or text aswell. Then just update the edit date by .new
188 replies
❔ Simple blog page (Homework)
Questions: What can go wrong here, and is this acceptable as a linear search method?
Then, what I think this does to check If I am correct in most parts:
It takes the users input, searches loops through the vector list to find the search word. Ignores the ordinal case rule skipping need of toLower/Upper. Checks if both [0, 1] index are true and searches for a word match.
And if it doesn't exist, performs code below and informs that no character in the user's search matches a title nor text
188 replies