Created by undefin3d3 on 10/8/2023 in #support
Problem with bundled UI library
Hi Guys! I have a problem with my UI library: I have super simple component like this:
const P = (props: { t: Accessor<string> }) => <p>{props.t()}</p>;
const P = (props: { t: Accessor<string> }) => <p>{props.t()}</p>;
But unfortunately once im trying to use this component from bundled ui library the "t" props doesn't change
import { P } from "ui";

export function Accordion() {
const [expanded, setExpanded] = createSignal(false);
const title = createMemo(() => (expanded() ? "Expanded" : "Collapsed"));
return (
<div class="accordion">
onClick={() => {
<P t={title} />
import { P } from "ui";

export function Accordion() {
const [expanded, setExpanded] = createSignal(false);
const title = createMemo(() => (expanded() ? "Expanded" : "Collapsed"));
return (
<div class="accordion">
onClick={() => {
<P t={title} />
If im trying to do the same things using <P/> as local component (not imported from the "ui" library) everything works as expected I guess it might be a problem with bundling but I don't know exactly what can cause the problem I've mentioned Also sharing vite.config from "ui" library im using during build Does anyone faced same issue? Please, help
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