pest 403 for List page
I try to write a pest test to test the table.
assertSuccessful fails because of 403.
And yes, I do have canAccessPanel in User model, it just returns true. On production I am able to login and access the resource.
6 replies
Managing 3 levels (or more) deep relations.
Hey guys,
I was wondering how you would handle this business case in terms of UX.
So with 2 levels it's easy. Relation manager on one resource.
Now let's say we have Project, Todo and Comment.
If you still manage Todos of a Project using a relation manager, you would have to change to the TodoResource when you want to manage Comments of that Todo.
It might be a bit bad example, as the chances of an user wanting to manage comments on the projects table isn't very often if even all, but there are other use cases this applies.
So my ideas so far were:
1. Just let the user change resources manually via navbar.
2. Make the edit button link to the resource edit page instead of the the relation manager. Then you can also remove the TodoResource from the sidebar (if that makes sense), as it helps to keep the workflow from creating project -> creating todos -> managing comments clear and straightforward.
3. Using a HasManyThrough relationship to manage comments on the project resource
Now I'm curious about your approaches to this.
3 replies
Repeater Soft-Delete
Hey guys,
does anybody know if the Repeater Component supports soft deletes?
Delete Button makes a delete, but doesn't gives an option to force delete or restore if the record is only soft deleted.
Docs don't say anything about it. Maybe I just don't see it, but I think there is no method for that.
13 replies
Table summary not working for accessors
I try to build a summary for an accessor, which counts an amount of a hasMany relationship.
this works as expected, but when I add the summary:
this breaks because totalValue doesn't exist as a column.
3 replies
Import update if exists not working with database driver
Hi guys
I'm on Filament
, so latest release.
When using sync queue driver, the record gets updated, but as soon as I use the database driver, there is always a new record created.
This is my code:
Do you guys know a workaround or is it a bug?12 replies
FileUpload using polymorphic relationship
I try to use a polymorphic relationship for files, but I can't really figure out, how to save a file to a specific relationship.
FileUpload doesn't provide a relationship method as far as I see.
So is it only possible to save a file name to a text field as either the name or an array?
Thanks for your help.
4 replies