Created by CØSMIC on 9/23/2024 in #questions
Help running Curseforge "All of Create" in Kubernetes using itzg/docker-minecraft-server image
Hi all, Still new to hosting my own server, maybe someone could help point me in the right direction. I am trying to start up a server for https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/aoc using this docker image: https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-server, running with a GKE auto cluster in GCP. I get a failure due to a mod not installing: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-resources-jer/files/4862430 I was able to fix this locally when using docker-compose because I could just download the mod and put it in my data directory, but I am having trouble getting this file into my persistent volume.
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