Created by Pablo Torres on 7/10/2023 in #❓┊help
Logger by Z3d0X - How to display the "old" properties (key/value) in the view?
Not sure if that's possible 🤔
6 replies
Created by Wirkhof on 12/19/2023 in #❓┊help
Filament Activity Logger to show old and new values
You have a few options if you want to show old & new properties 1) Replace \Z3d0X\FilamentLogger\Loggers\ResourceLogger::class with your own logger (you can see this file for the current implementation https://github.com/Z3d0X/filament-logger/blob/main/src/Loggers/AbstractModelLogger.php) 2) in the filament-logger.php config file disable the https://github.com/Z3d0X/filament-logger/blob/main/config/filament-logger.php#L9. Then use configure your models for using the base spatie's activity log package https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-activitylog/v2/advanced-usage/logging-model-events
39 replies
Created by Wirkhof on 12/19/2023 in #❓┊help
Filament Activity Logger to show old and new values
39 replies
Created by binaryfire on 12/2/2023 in #❓┊help
Best way to handle DeleteAction integrity constraint violations
And provide your custom deletion logic
9 replies
Created by binaryfire on 12/2/2023 in #❓┊help
Best way to handle DeleteAction integrity constraint violations
Yeah just use ->using() on that delete action
9 replies
Created by Ayman Alhattami on 11/29/2023 in #❓┊help
Dynamic Repeater
you can pass a closure to ->schema() method on your repeater. in which u can dynamically display fields based on values selected previously
13 replies
Created by binaryfire on 12/2/2023 in #❓┊help
Best way to handle DeleteAction integrity constraint violations
Hi i have done it like this in one of the projects.
//in boot method of a service provider
DeleteAction::configureUsing(function ($action) {
$action->using(static function (Model $record) {
try {
return $record->delete();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
->title('Unable to delete')
return false;
//in boot method of a service provider
DeleteAction::configureUsing(function ($action) {
$action->using(static function (Model $record) {
try {
return $record->delete();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
->title('Unable to delete')
return false;
9 replies
Created by Dkil on 11/28/2023 in #❓┊help
How can I customize the sidebar to have this design?
Add icon to your nav groups & remove them from your Resources
7 replies
Created by Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All on 11/18/2023 in #❓┊help
Referencing a field
->columnSpan(fn ($get) => $get('field1') == 1 ? 2 : 1)
6 replies
Created by 3rgo on 11/17/2023 in #❓┊help
Ability to skip validation on form ?
However this won't prevent browser side validation with some rules like required on a text input
9 replies
Created by 3rgo on 11/17/2023 in #❓┊help
Ability to skip validation on form ?
validation is run when calling $form->getState().. You can get the rawstate without validation$form->getRawState()
9 replies
Created by Wiebe on 11/15/2023 in #❓┊help
use ID instead of email for logging in and resetting password
Provide your own Login livewire component in ->login() method on PanelProvider ->login(MyCustomLogin::class)
3 replies
Created by daudau on 11/8/2023 in #❓┊help
how to display relation managers as vertical list instead of tabs
3 replies
Created by Jean Roumeau on 10/20/2023 in #❓┊help
Adding BelongsToMany that includes another BelongsToMany relation to a form
Maybe you need to rethink your model structure, since clientArea already belongsTo a client. Do u really need both clientAreas and clients relationship on your User. u can just $user->clientAreas()->with('client')
16 replies
Created by Jean Roumeau on 10/20/2023 in #❓┊help
Adding BelongsToMany that includes another BelongsToMany relation to a form
For select to work on hasMany relationship you need to add ->multiple()
16 replies
Created by Jean Roumeau on 10/20/2023 in #❓┊help
Adding BelongsToMany that includes another BelongsToMany relation to a form
But yeah still 2 resources
16 replies
Created by Jean Roumeau on 10/20/2023 in #❓┊help
Adding BelongsToMany that includes another BelongsToMany relation to a form
Wait you don't need relation managers in UserResource.. you can have relationship multi select for clients and clientAreas
16 replies
Created by brahim on 10/29/2023 in #❓┊help
useRender HTML in select options filamentphp v3
You can use HTML's <img>
14 replies
Created by brahim on 10/29/2023 in #❓┊help
useRender HTML in select options filamentphp v3
14 replies
Created by Vp on 10/28/2023 in #❓┊help
numeric minValue still accepting negative value in input field
I think this issue is related to browser/platform, not sure if you can do anything about it.. as you mentioned backend validation still works for these edge cases, so it should be fine?
5 replies