Use resource record ID in file upload path
I need to use the record id in my file path when uploading files. Is this possible, and if so, how would I go about doing that?
This is my form:
I would like to use something like, ->
directory('claim-attachments' . $this->id)
10 replies
File uploads storage location and relationships
I am rewriting a project that has existing data. The last part I am struggling with is the attachments linked to insurance claims. I have a claims table and a claim_attachments table.
I need help with the following 2 aspects:
When I upload multiple files I would like them stored in public/$claim_id/$preserved_file_name. How would I go about specifying the claim_id in the path of the storage?
Do I also need a link table that holds reference of the attachment file name and claim_id's?
Thanks for the help.
1 replies
Multiple select filter does not reload
Hey guys
Whenever I use a multiple select filter my table doesn't reload when the filters are changed/updated. Removing the multiple() method from the filter does reload the table automatically.
Whenever I use the multiple() method I have to use F5 to reload the page with the updated selected filters. Is this typical behavior or am I missing something?
5 replies