Show Result and Number of Pagination Not Show
hey guys, just jumping on this because I have a similar question - I can't get the "Showing x of x results" to appear in the bottom left of my table with the page stepper in the bottom right. I think, like Leandro has said that simple pagination is being applied by default.
I'm only got forms, tables and infolists installed in my project, not the panel builder - does this mean that this functionality isn't available to me?
I'm trying to apply it to a livewire component that implements HasForms and HasTable.
Many thanks!
I've realised what the problem is: it's a breakpoint issue. my table is only 768px wide at maximum so it never grows to a point where the pagination options that I'm referring to are available. I'm now wondering if there's a way to customise the breakpoint for switching between these two layouts?
17 replies
Filtering a Select field's options based on a parent relationship
would this package be able to handle this sort of thing?
4 replies
Use a custom widget to run a command from the dashboard
Here's what I've got going on atm, my report generating functionality is happening in a controller method which is called by the route that the user is redirected to.
The only thing I'd like to do now is add some CSS to the widget, as currently everything looks the same. Would I have to register a custom stylesheet as a filament asset in the AppServiceProvider?
11 replies