How to modify Default workspaces, fields, and data on new installation
is there any other files that you think I will have to modify? and my last question is this for the newly generated objects ( specific to my application e.g. medical providers), do you think i should make these standard objects, or should they be custom objects? I plan on keeping people and companies as a contact list. but inherit their models for medical providers and doctors section. Just concerned if there will be any implications between standard objects vs custom
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How to modify Default workspaces, fields, and data on new installation
All, Here is my write up regarding initial data. Hope it helps explain some of the files:
TypeORM Seed Data
During the local set up, the
command executes
from packages/twenty-server/src/database/commands/data-seed-dev-workspace.command.ts
This creates 2 workspaces, Twenty and Apple which has 13 companies and 15 people.
Standard Prefill Data
When you create a brand new workspace (For example, after a google sign in, and get to name the workspace and everything), it populates the data from packages/twenty-server/src/engine/workspace-manager/standard-objects-prefill-data
There are only 5 people and 5 companies, so
this wont need to be deleted/modified because it gives a good starting point.
there is also a command that is
Prefill Demo Data
Populates the data from packages/twenty-server/src/engine/workspace-manager/demo-objects-prefill-data. the demo data has a ton of data and is used for dev/testing.
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How to modify Default workspaces, fields, and data on new installation
regarding the workspace.entity (https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty/blob/08c081d315b0c4877559e20aa822a3c989a19c41/packages/twenty-server/src/engine/core-modules/workspace/workspace.entity.ts). that file appears to for the workspace(since it has. What i actually meant was for objects. ( i thought those were workspaces too).
Currently, my plan is as follows:
step 1 - ADD standard object id: Step one will be creating a uuid for each object. for example: export const STANDARD_OBJECT_IDS = {
activityTarget: '20202020-2945-440e-8d1a-f84672d33d5e',
medicalProvider: '20202020-8858-4dfe-8d1a-k896d35486'
step 2 - define schema similar to this folder: https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty/tree/08c081d315b0c4877559e20aa822a3c989a19c41/packages/twenty-server/src/modules/person
step 3 - add to workspace sync standard objects
step 4 - figure out how to create these objects on workspace initialization????? (not sure here)
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