Is it possible to test forms in actions?
I'm having trouble finding how to set and test field values, visibility etc. for forms inside of actions.
I can mountAction() successfully for example, but when I go to assert a field exists I get errors:
9 replies
Is it possible to test forms in actions?
Ooo ChatGPT might have saved me on this one. It looks like I need to dig into the mountedActionData to test.
Does this look sane? Should I beable to just reply on assertSet and use those class variables to test instead of all the fancy helper functions available for forms, etc.?
9 replies
Disable unsavedChangesAlerts() for specific resource or action.
My current solution is to move this form out of the action and onto it's own page so the unsavedChangesAlerts() can still work elsewhere.
I would be very curious how to selectively disable this feature for specific forms or resources though. unsavedChangesAlerts() at the form level would be awesome!
3 replies
How to add NPM added assets to Filament.
Is this reasonable to have in my service provider?
The files seem to be loading properly now using:
This doesn't really add them to my build process though, or is this how filament assets are supposed to work?
I feel like I'm missing a core thing here.
I feel like I'm missing a core thing here.
8 replies
How to add NPM added assets to Filament.
I think I'm making progress:
I also see I need to add artisan filament:assets to my workflow.
8 replies
Require cropping to a certain size before submitting
I did a bunch of doc diving and found
This worked for me, it forces an inital crop that can be changed, but is set once saved.
The user isn't necessarily required to enter the editor to set the Aspect Ratio, but they are required to enter the editor if they want to edit what is cropped.
Maybe not as cool as the circle cropper, but works for a forced crop.
9 replies