Explore posts from servers
Created by Xzayler on 6/25/2024 in #support
Redirect troubles
It's the classic use-case where I want a page to redirect if a user isn't logged in.
// lib/server.ts
export const getCurrentUser = cache(async (): Promise<User> => {
const event = await getRequestEvent();
if (!event || !event.locals.session || !event.locals.user) {
console.log("should redirect");
throw redirect("/login"); // also tried with return
return event.locals.user;
}, "curruser");
// lib/server.ts
export const getCurrentUser = cache(async (): Promise<User> => {
const event = await getRequestEvent();
if (!event || !event.locals.session || !event.locals.user) {
console.log("should redirect");
throw redirect("/login"); // also tried with return
return event.locals.user;
}, "curruser");
export default function Page() {
const user = createAsync(async () => { // also tried with createResource()
return await getCurrentUser();
export default function Page() {
const user = createAsync(async () => { // also tried with createResource()
return await getCurrentUser();
For some reason this doesn't work at all. The page will continue loading and error out because of trying to access properties of undefined. It used to work a long while ago when I created this, and I have no idea when it broke. As far as I can tell, this should work according to docs too. So why is there no redirection happening?
9 replies
Created by Xzayler on 4/15/2024 in #support
Dynamically rendering components
My objective in a nutshell is making a small user card appear on an element hover, like on twitter. The way I'm making it is the following: This is a barebones representation
// UserPopup.tsx
export default function UserPopup(props: { userHandle: string }) {
const [user] = createResource(() => {
return getUserSummary(props.userHandle);
// addFollow is a server function doing db stuff
const follow = useAction(action(addFollow));

return (
<Show when={user()} fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<button onClick={() => follow(user()!.id)}>
// UserPopup.tsx
export default function UserPopup(props: { userHandle: string }) {
const [user] = createResource(() => {
return getUserSummary(props.userHandle);
// addFollow is a server function doing db stuff
const follow = useAction(action(addFollow));

return (
<Show when={user()} fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<button onClick={() => follow(user()!.id)}>
And then I have a wrapper for this popup
// UserWrapper.tsx

export default function UserWrapper(props) {
const [element, setElement] = createSignal<JSX.Element>(null);

const activate = (handle: string) => {
setElement(() => UserPopup({ userHandle: handle }));

const deactivate = () => {

return (
// Additional stuff calling activate onMouseEnter and deactivate onMouseLeave
// UserWrapper.tsx

export default function UserWrapper(props) {
const [element, setElement] = createSignal<JSX.Element>(null);

const activate = (handle: string) => {
setElement(() => UserPopup({ userHandle: handle }));

const deactivate = () => {

return (
// Additional stuff calling activate onMouseEnter and deactivate onMouseLeave
With this method I get the error: 'use' router primitives can be only used inside a Route. which I guess is because I'm trying to create UserPopup just in the air without a parent, but I'm not sure how I should be creating UserPopup within a context, or do I just have to not use useAction and find something else? The other problem with this is I'm getting the warnings computations created outside a createRoot or render will never be disposed. So I tried using both render and mount and attach the UserPopup element I create directly to the element I want it to go in but nothing happened, this was my attempt:
// UserWrapper
let tooltipbox;

const activate = (handle: string) => {
const dispose = render(
() => <UserPopup userHandle={props.handle}>,
tooltipbox! as HTMLDivElement
return <div ref={tooltipbox}></div>
// UserWrapper
let tooltipbox;

const activate = (handle: string) => {
const dispose = render(
() => <UserPopup userHandle={props.handle}>,
tooltipbox! as HTMLDivElement
return <div ref={tooltipbox}></div>
So what is the right way to do this?
22 replies
Created by Xzayler on 3/28/2024 in #support
Navigating with A from and to dynamic route doesn't re-render.
I have a dynamic route routes/post/[postid].tsx. Within this route I have (simplified)
const [post, {mutate, refetch}] = createResource(() => {
return getPost(params.postid);
// I also tried running refetch() here
<A href={`/post/${item.id}`}>
// more jsx...
const [post, {mutate, refetch}] = createResource(() => {
return getPost(params.postid);
// I also tried running refetch() here
<A href={`/post/${item.id}`}>
// more jsx...
In dev, when I click on this a tag, the url updates in my browser but the dom doesn't, unless I force a reload. I'm guessing post doesn't refetch or something. Do I need to force a refetch somehow or am I navigating wrong?
46 replies