Created by Dwayne on 2/27/2025 in #❓┊help
Pages not displaying in Cluster nav
We execute command php artisan make:filament-page Products (no resource and selected namespace App\Filament\Clusters\Settings\Pages), which generates file Filament page [app/Filament/Clusters/Settings/Pages/Products.php] created successfully.. However, it does not appear in the cluster. What could be the reason for this? Other pages are displayed correctly. Even copying an existing page and changing the class name does not work. Even after executing command php artisan filament:upgrade, nothing is visible. Laravel: 11.44.0 / PHP: 8.4.3 / Filament: 3.3.0
2 replies
Created by Dwayne on 10/8/2024 in #❓┊help
Error after composer update
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Created by Dwayne on 3/29/2024 in #❓┊help
The session is not shared across multiple domains with tenancy
I have configured a tenant in the panel. It works fine, however, the sessions are not shared with other domains, but the sessions are only shared within the domain where you log in. After the redirect (to tenant domain), the session gets cleared.
->tenant(CompanyShop::class, slugAttribute: 'domain')
->tenant(CompanyShop::class, slugAttribute: 'domain')
When logging in to the main domain https://dashboard.test/login, the tenant account is linked to the domain name https://app.otherdomain.test, and I'm redirected there, which works fine. However, the session is lost, requiring me to log in again on the tenant domain. How can I ensure that when logging in to the main domain, I am redirected to my own tenant domain and automatically logged in there?
17 replies
Created by Dwayne on 3/28/2024 in #❓┊help
How to set width of registration page
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Created by Dwayne on 3/28/2024 in #❓┊help
Table pagination not visible in cluster resource table
In a table within a Cluster, the pagination tools are not displayed as they are in a normal resource table. How can I enable this? For example, on https://demo.filamentphp.com/shop/orders, "Showing 1 to 10 of 1,001 results" is visible. However, this is not visible on https://demo.filamentphp.com/shop/products/products.
5 replies
Created by Dwayne on 2/20/2024 in #❓┊help
Assign an array to a Forms\Components\Select
How can I assign an array to a Forms\Components\Select? After executing the Action 'refresh_status', the Select options should be set with $statuses. $statuses has the value: [ "pending" => "Wachtend op betaling" "processing" => "In behandeling" "on-hold" => "In de wacht" "completed" => "Afgerond" "cancelled" => "Geannuleerd" "refunded" => "Terugbetaald" "failed" => "Mislukt" "checkout-draft" => "Concept" ]
25 replies
Created by Dwayne on 11/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Is it possible to have multiple tenant instances in one panel?
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