Created by Lety on 1/18/2024 in #💬・get-help
Just updated container to latest version 1.14 Docker container now unhealthy and unable to access GU
So i host this via portainer. Did the usual duplicate/recreate to pull latest image and now its not working. Any idea's what is causing this. This is the logs below _closedPromise_resolve: undefined, _closedPromise_reject: undefined, _closedPromise: Promise { }, _readRequests: S { _cursor: 0, _size: 0, _front: { _elements: [], _next: undefined }, _back: { _elements: [], _next: undefined } } }, _storedError: undefined, _disturbed: true, _readableStreamController: ReadableStreamDefaultController { _controlledReadableStream: [Circular *1], _queue: S { _cursor: 0, _size: 0, _front: { _elements: [], _next: undefined }, _back: { _elements: [], _next: undefined } }, _queueTotalSize: 0, _started: true, _closeRequested: true, _pullAgain: false, _pulling: true, _strategySizeAlgorithm: undefined, _strategyHWM: 0, _pullAlgorithm: undefined, _cancelAlgorithm: undefined } }, source: null, length: null } }, [Symbol(headers)]: Headers { [Symbol(headers list)]: HeadersList {  cookies: [ 'next-auth.csrf-token=%7Cca905812967ad9b4cc9e1af37198dc6bcbf697c8c29b04d58757e7858669b0fc; Path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax, next-auth.callback-url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A7575; Path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax' ], [Symbol(headers map)]: Map(8) { 'connection' => { name: 'connection', value: 'close' }, 'content-encoding' => { name: 'content-encoding', value: 'gzip' }, 'content-type' => { name: 'content-type', value: 'application/json' }, 'date' => { name: 'date', value: 'Thu, 18 Jan 2024 12:36:22 GMT' }, 'keep-alive' => { name: 'keep-alive', value: 'timeout=5' }, 'set-cookie' => { name: 'set-cookie', value: 'next-auth.csrf-token=%7Cca905812967ad9b4cc9e1af37198dc6bcbf697c8c29b04d58757e7858669b0fc; Path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax, next-auth.callback-url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A7575; Path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax' }, 'transfer-encoding' => { name: 'transfer-encoding', value: 'chunked' }, 'vary' => { name: 'vary', value: 'Accept-Encoding' } }, [Symbol(headers map sorted)]: null }, [Symbol(guard)]: 'response', [Symbol(realm)]: { settingsObject: {} } } }, responseJSON: [ { error: {  { message: 'no such table: user', code: -32603,  { code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', httpStatus: 500, path: 'user.count', zodError: null } } } } ] }, shape: { message: 'no such table: user', code: -32603,  { code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', httpStatus: 500, path: 'user.count', zodError: null } },  { code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', httpStatus: 500, path: 'user.count', zodError: null }, name: 'TRPCClientError' }, elapsedMs: 45 } Error [TRPCClientError]: no such table: user at TRPCClientError.from (file:///app/.next/server/src/middleware.js:1718:20) at <unknown> (file:///app/.next/server/src/middleware.js:2273:60) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
42 replies
Created by Lety on 7/18/2023 in #💬・get-help
Error with PiHole dashboard after update to 0.13.0.
No description
12 replies
Created by Lety on 1/25/2023 in #💬・get-help
Adding docker variable on startup within portainer
Hello, I just updated to the new v11, looks really cool. I noticed the docker container access and the document says i need to add -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock on startup. How do i do this within portainer? Sorry still learning docker. Thank you
3 replies