Wizard blade component ?
There is no custom wizard component tho you could setup a form with a wizard and create custom field components as explained here
This way you can easily have a wizard with your own custom logic and components
4 replies
path filament plugin in navigation menu
It depends on the plugin, every plugins are PHP packages located in the vendor folder
Tho I don't know if there's an easy way to retrieve all of those knowing that many of those don't even need registration in the panels
17 replies
School-Class-Manager Usability-Problem
Then you can add a second layer with a BelongsToMany for schools in the teacher model
You can even create two different panels, one for the school owners with tenancy on schools to manage teachers and one with tenancy on teachers to manage classes
This could work quite well but will add a lot of complexity
Something that could be more simple would be to use policies well configured and query scoping
7 replies
Using rules on data not inside the form
I don't understand everything honestly so I might be wrong
Tho it looks like you can add a hidden readonly field to get your type or add custom validation after the form submission
If your custom validation fail you can throw a
with a custom message and it will show it in red like any field would for a ->required()
for example4 replies
School-Class-Manager Usability-Problem
that looks like you need to implement tenancy, one tenant could be a class and each teacher have many tenants (classes)
take a look here
7 replies
Redirect to Profile On UsersRessource
if you're using filament panels you can set up a policy for your users it will be something like
this is pretty the same with other gates like edit, delete, ... and it will be automatically applied if you're using panels as said above
else if you don't use panels you can still set up policies but you'd have to check if they can do whatever things they want to do
to check just do something like
auth()->user()->can('viewAny', User::class)
, auth()->user()->can('view', $record)
5 replies