DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
•Created by Gravvy on 8/21/2024 in #djs-questions
Unable to change USE_EXTERNAL_APPS permission
I am trying to change the USE_EXTERNAL_APPS permission for a role in a channel. However I am encountering an issue. Below is the code and the error message. It's been some time since I did anything with discord.js so I may just be misremembering the process.
npm ls discord-api-types
Node.js is v21.6.014 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
•Created by Gravvy on 11/22/2022 in #djs-questions
.setNickname returning Missing Privileges error
Hey there, I'm writing a simply change nickname command and for some reason, I'm getting an error of Missing Permissions. Now I have my bot set as an Administrator, it's role above everyone else. And the account I'm running the command on is a test account with no special permissions or roles. The test account is below the bot in hierarchy. Yet I'm still getting this error. And I just too tired to see the error I've made?
Steps I've taken to resolve the issue:
* Test account has no roles
* Bot role hierarchy is top most
* Bot has Administrator privileges
* Confirmed member object is being returned correctly
* Confirmed all Intents required are added
Command code
Have all my intents in place
I'm pretty sure the issue is just me being blind, but I am at a loss right now as to why it's erroring out.
4 replies