Created by KamehamehaNudel on 1/7/2025 in #support
type augmentation in monorepo with turbo-repo
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Created by KamehamehaNudel on 9/30/2024 in #support
Router determine if 404 route
Is it possible with the router to determine if the current route is the "404" route aka matches "*" ? Was trying to think of a way with useMatch but not sure how to set the matchFilters or even the path for that. My usecase is, that i have analytics tracking which tracks the pageViews but for the 404 page i need different handling hence i have to somehow figure out that i'm on that route from outside that route. thx
4 replies
Created by KamehamehaNudel on 1/31/2024 in #support
Escape Suspense when using resources?
Is there any way to escape supsense when using createResources? or am i pretty much "doomed" once i have one suspense boundary at the top of the tree? What i mean by "escape" is to not trigger the suspense to fall back. Playground: https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/1a49076e-e6b1-4577-962d-3098c3263eea The only way i can think of is with transitions (like in that playground). But once those are used, the "loading" or "status" props are no longer useable and i'd instead have to wrap the "pending" signal of the transition hook i think? Is there an easier way to escape? Also i am not really sure how i would go about wrapping a resource in a transition if i want it to immediately fetch (vs. after an interaction like in the example. Looking at the third "options" param nothing sounds like it would do it. https://deploy-preview-360--solid-docs.netlify.app/reference/basic-reactivity/create-resource Thanks
18 replies
Created by KamehamehaNudel on 2/15/2023 in #support
Refs cleanup when element unmounts
7 replies
Created by KamehamehaNudel on 12/16/2022 in #support
Setting up polyfills in Solid Start
Any insights on how to set up Polyfills when using solid start? Using it client side only for the moment and appearently solid seems to use some quite recent features. To what extent can it be polyfilled? i know IE11 is off the table due to proxys. Are there any other dealbreaker features like that, which can't be polyfilled or transpiled? And any tips on how to implement it best in vite? I know there is vite/plugin-legacy. Is that the recommended way? I noticed, solid start entry inserts itself as an async script for example which then seams to mess with the execution order when polyfills are required Or directly in rollup config? Does anyone have experience setting it up? any help would be appreciated 🙂
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