Mount action after another action
Is it possible to open a new action form when pressing "Send" on the first one?
After I sign a document via a modal, a popup should display to send an email.
Yet I cant figure out how to do this, this is as far as I get, the second modal opens, but closes a second after.
5 replies
Infolist action on custom page
Hi there! I have a custom livewire page with a table. Now I want to have a view action which opens an infolist, but for some reason I don't get any popups.
This is my table action:
I use the trait and have the interface. This is my view:
Is there something I am missing?
15 replies
Translate Database Notifications?
Hi, is it possible to translate the database notifications? Especially if they are ran through a job.
For example the new Export Action, which does this:
That text needs to be translated in Dutch, French and English. However in the database notifications table, I don't see a way how to make it translatable.
Also in the redis itself I can't retrieve
because it always return the default locale. So I can't just handle it from there.
Since notifications are user based, I'm fine to just push the translatable strings to the database, but I can't seem to figure out how to access the user his locale in a Redis Job.
2 replies
Get all sortable columns of table
Hi, I'm trying to create some automated tests. So basically I want to execute all these tests (https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/tables/testing), but I'm trying to automate them.
Now I'm wondering how I could get all the columns of my table which I specified with ->sortable() in my resource.
Than I can just create a loop and execute my tests based on the fields.
9 replies
Cache tables
Hi, is it possible to cache my tables in SPA, so they don't get to reloaded on every request?
When they are loaded, they don't have to be reloaded.
I'm using ->deferLoading(), on my table so it would be nice if a user shouldn't see the skeletton again if they have already loaded them 🙂
4 replies
Tenancy + canAccessPanel
Hi! I'm using Filament v3 multi-tenancy and I have 2 panels. But only user A in tenant 1 should have access to the 2 panels.
User A in tenant 2 should only have access to panel 1.
I'm trying to accomplish this via the canAccessPanel() method in the User model, but I can't seem to access Filament::getTenant() in here.
Is there any way to accomplish this?
3 replies
File Upload
Hi, my file upload is not working as expected. It's always using the local disk, while I specifically tell it to use public. It always saves files under
Also, in the database I just get this back:
Which is not good enough to re-retrieve the file and display it on the view form...
Is anyone familar with file upload and storing the path (or something else) to the database, and have it permanently?
I've also done php artisan storage:link
`2 replies
Form with HasMany Relationship?
Hi, is it possible to create a form with a hasMany relationship?
So I have an invoice with some default information (date, due date, customer....)
but each invoice has to have LineItems.
Is it possible for my form to create all the lineItems instead of adding it later via a relationshipmanager table?
4 replies
Switching default locale
Hi, I need to make an admin panel for a client and I just started using filament for a smoother and faster development flow. I just can't seem to find where I set the default language to dutch.
Is there an easy way to do this? All I find is how to create language switchers. I just need to set a different default locale.
4 replies