DTDrizzle Team
Created by arafays on 12/28/2023 in #help
Union of schema with relations
This is code for my 2 tables where I am creating a new role and the adding its permissions
import { array, nativeEnum, string, union } from "zod";
import { createInsertSchema, createSelectSchema } from 'drizzle-zod';

export const roles = mysqlTable(
id: bigint("id", { mode: "number" }).primaryKey().autoincrement(),
slug: varchar("slug", { length: 256 }).notNull().notNull(),
name: varchar("name", { length: 256 }).unique().notNull(),
updatedAt: timestamp("updatedAt", { mode: "date" }).defaultNow().onUpdateNow().notNull(),
(role) => ({
roleNameIndex: index("name_idx").on(,
roleIdIdx: index("roleId_idx").on(,
roleSlug: index("roleSlug_idx").on(role.slug),

export const rolesRelations = relations(roles, ({ one }) => ({
permissions: one(rolePermissions, { fields: [], references: [rolePermissions.role] }),

export const roleInsertSchema = createInsertSchema(roles);

export const rolePermissions = mysqlTable(
role: varchar("role", { length: 256 }).notNull(),
permissions: varchar("permissions", { length: 256 }).$type<Permission[]>().notNull(),
(rolePermission) => ({
compositeKey: primaryKey({ columns: [rolePermission.role, rolePermission.permissions] }),

export const rolePermissionRelations = relations(rolePermissions, ({ one }) => ({
role: one(roles, { fields: [rolePermissions.role], references: [] }),

export const rolePermissionInsertSchema = createInsertSchema(rolePermissions, {
permissions: array(nativeEnum(Permission)),
export const rolePermissionSelectSchema = createSelectSchema(rolePermissions, {
permissions: array(nativeEnum(Permission)),
import { array, nativeEnum, string, union } from "zod";
import { createInsertSchema, createSelectSchema } from 'drizzle-zod';

export const roles = mysqlTable(
id: bigint("id", { mode: "number" }).primaryKey().autoincrement(),
slug: varchar("slug", { length: 256 }).notNull().notNull(),
name: varchar("name", { length: 256 }).unique().notNull(),
updatedAt: timestamp("updatedAt", { mode: "date" }).defaultNow().onUpdateNow().notNull(),
(role) => ({
roleNameIndex: index("name_idx").on(,
roleIdIdx: index("roleId_idx").on(,
roleSlug: index("roleSlug_idx").on(role.slug),

export const rolesRelations = relations(roles, ({ one }) => ({
permissions: one(rolePermissions, { fields: [], references: [rolePermissions.role] }),

export const roleInsertSchema = createInsertSchema(roles);

export const rolePermissions = mysqlTable(
role: varchar("role", { length: 256 }).notNull(),
permissions: varchar("permissions", { length: 256 }).$type<Permission[]>().notNull(),
(rolePermission) => ({
compositeKey: primaryKey({ columns: [rolePermission.role, rolePermission.permissions] }),

export const rolePermissionRelations = relations(rolePermissions, ({ one }) => ({
role: one(roles, { fields: [rolePermissions.role], references: [] }),

export const rolePermissionInsertSchema = createInsertSchema(rolePermissions, {
permissions: array(nativeEnum(Permission)),
export const rolePermissionSelectSchema = createSelectSchema(rolePermissions, {
permissions: array(nativeEnum(Permission)),
How would I make an insert schema for it so that the name from roles table is added to the insert schema and used as the role feild in rolePermissions
3 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by arafays on 11/28/2023 in #help
SQL noob trying to make schema Drizzle ORM
My confusion comes from how to structure the database so that I don't save duplicate data and when I update I don't leave the data (like promoting agent to lead) I have watched a lot of tutorials but I just can't seem to get the mental model on how to do this or even what would be the best way to do this. where when a user logs in he is assigned a role
enum UserRole {
SUPER = "super",
ADMIN = "admin",
HOD = "hod",
MANAGER = "manager",
LEAD = "lead",
AGENT = "agent",
USER = "user",
enum UserRole {
SUPER = "super",
ADMIN = "admin",
HOD = "hod",
MANAGER = "manager",
LEAD = "lead",
AGENT = "agent",
USER = "user",
now those roles define what actions the user can perform. - agent has one lead - lead has one manager - lead is in charge of one brand - manager has one hod - manager is in charge of multiple brands The code is here
10 replies