so the input:106XXXXXXXXXXX....X...XX....X...XX.X..X.X.XX.X.>..X.XXXXXXXXXXXfirst number is the width second the height the > is the player and he has 4 rotations <>V^i want to print every time he moves the algorithm is that if{there is a wall to his right} if{there is a wall infron} turn left else{ go forward}else{ turn to the right count the step move forward} XXXXXXXXXX X....X...X X....X...X X.X..X.X.X X.X..>.X.X XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX X....X...X X....X...X X.X..X.X.X X.X...>X.X XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX X....X...X X....X...X X.X..X.X.X X.X...^X.X XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX X....X...X X....X...X X.X..X^X.X X.X....X.X XXXXXXXXXXfirst 4 steps