❔ ✅ whitespaces are doing me dirty
Im reading char by char and i just want to count how many words are in paragraphs but it doesnt count correctly there is a problem with /n
11 Replies
Is there a specific reason you're not using regex?
you can try
instead of \n
Just count spaces and Environment.Newline and return +1 of it
seems like you are overcomplicating the problem
i have yo use char by char read because otherwise the space and time will be too much
What do you mean by "the space and time will be too much"?
I put a printscreen in here.
How to find the cause of the mismatch.
just put in breakpoints and see what happens.
If you look at: if (character == '\n') ==> when this one is true the next if is also triggered. My advice is try to solve this. In the next message I put in another way like yourse

other way / different written:
Also I created 1 just another way.
string testpar = "his stuf\nnew is here.\n\nNew paragraph is here";
int lineCount = 0;
int wordcount = 0;
var convertedToChararray = testpar.ToCharArray();
var word = string.Empty;
foreach (char c in convertedToChararray)
if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
word += c.ToString();
lineCount = 0;
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
if (word.Length > 0)
word = string.Empty;
if (c == '\n')
if (c == '\n' && lineCount > 1)
Console.WriteLine($"WordCount = {wordcount}");
wordcount = 0;
lineCount = 0;
if (true)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(word))
Console.WriteLine($"words: {wordcount.ToString()}");
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UnknownCommand: Unknown command.
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