Created by đť•­ourn on 6/25/2023 in #help
âś… Web3 in C#?
I'm working on a realtime chat application, and i saw there's some library for interacting with web3 for .NET, like Nethereum for the Ethereum blockchain. Is C# a viable option for web3? My chat application has a React frontend and an ASP.NET web api, so i'm wondering if i could ever convert it to be web3, just for the purpose of learning new stuff
17 replies
Created by đť•­ourn on 6/23/2023 in #help
âť” JWT Refresh tokens
I've got a RefreshToken endpoint on my UserController class. I'm currently able to regenerate these tokens, but i don't really know what strategy to use for making sure these tokens aren't used more than once. Any suggestions?
4 replies
Created by đť•­ourn on 6/12/2023 in #help
âś… Add Identity to existing ASP.NET Web API
Hello everyone! I have an existing web api project, to which i want to add Identity. I'm working on a chat application, which uses SignalR for realtime communication. Currently, messages are broadcasted to anyone subscribed to the SignalR Hub managing conversations. Doing my research, looks like with Identity you can directly send a message to a specific user, by its username (instead of using its Context.connectionId or the single-groups hack). But i have no idea of how Identity works, and how to configure it. Can someone help me understand more of this topic? I also want to mention that i'm using MySQL as my main database, and configured the generation of JWT tokens.
14 replies
Created by đť•­ourn on 5/25/2023 in #help
âť” Launch in integrated terminal, but in VS
I've been using Visual Studio for a week now, and i noticed that each time i run my project, it opens a new Terminal window. Coming from VSCode i find this very annoying, is there any way to change this behaviour? Thanks in advance!
5 replies
Created by đť•­ourn on 5/23/2023 in #help
âť” Need guidance on C#'s ecosystem
I've been tinkering with C# for a few days now, and find the language to really make sense and so far i'm enjoying it. Now, i'd like to move deeper in the language by recreating a chat app i've built in the past with Flutter, which by far is easier to work with. What tecnologies, in the C# ecosystem, would you recommend me to get started building UI apps, as of 2023? I don't mind working with something complex, one way or another i'll get used to it anyway. Thanks in advance!
34 replies