C#14mo ago

❔ Need guidance on C#'s ecosystem

I've been tinkering with C# for a few days now, and find the language to really make sense and so far i'm enjoying it. Now, i'd like to move deeper in the language by recreating a chat app i've built in the past with Flutter, which by far is easier to work with. What tecnologies, in the C# ecosystem, would you recommend me to get started building UI apps, as of 2023? I don't mind working with something complex, one way or another i'll get used to it anyway. Thanks in advance!
15 Replies
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Unknown User14mo ago
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𝕭ourn14mo ago
I'd target Desktop definitely
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Unknown User14mo ago
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MODiX14mo ago
WPF is the DirectX and XAML powered, Windows-only desktop GUI framework. You should prefer to use this over Windows Forms where you can. Hello World in WPF: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/get-started/csharp/tutorial-wpf
𝕭ourn14mo ago
What if i wanted it to be cross platform? I've heard of MAUI, but it's pretty recent so i guess there's not so many info about it
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Unknown User14mo ago
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𝕭ourn14mo ago
Well, guess i'll dive into cross platform later on i'll stick to WPF
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Unknown User14mo ago
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𝕭ourn14mo ago
Now, as in the original question What's the difference between .NET Core, .NET Framework, and ASP.NET(which reminds me of Blazor, but i guess they're different) ? Thanks for the suggestion, i'll look into it!
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Unknown User14mo ago
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𝕭ourn14mo ago
alright What about C# in general? Do you know any channel in particular with some good tutorials? (that go further than beginner)
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Unknown User14mo ago
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SuperBrain14mo ago
Start with Microsoft Docs and work your way down the tree. There's plenty of stuff to learn from there since docs have improved significantly. Personally, I don't like learning through YouTube because they're a lot of outdated and biased content. Documentation is always a better choice. If you really want videos and don't mind paying a bit for professional courses, Pluralsight is definitely my personal recommendation for everything .NET. Technically, there's 3 "editions" of .NET - the old and now considered outdated .NET Framework (last version is v4.8.1) which, as Duke pointed out you should only use if maintaining an old project, .NET Core which is basically an intermediate transitional edition between .NET Framework and .NET, and finally, the current "edition" simply called .NET (current version is v7.0.5, v8 is due to be released in November). Any new projects should use at least .NET 6 (tagged as LTS - Long-Term Support), though .NET 7 has some significant improvements over 6. Finally, ASP.NET is a subsystem of .NET, it is used for developing web apps and APIs. Blazor is built on top of ASP.NET.
chef drone builder
Avalonia, if you want something cross platform. Its very polished (compared to maui)
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